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  • Writer's pictureStacy Oler


Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Oh, Deep Spring of Love!

Oh, Deep Well within!

I am lost in dreams,

Afraid to wake

-Afraid to be awakened more.

Wandering in a desert land,

I have made a hiding place.

Off searing dunes, I dip

- I dive!

Into pools of azure blue.

From arid sand I make the sweetest bread

-And sweeter still the wine!

With azure powder on my lids, I dye my hair

To match my azure gown.

From the azure cup I sip

And choke on sunbaked sand.

In my hair, my clothes, my eyes

The desert leaves me blind.

- Still, I will not wake!

Oh, blood red Love safe in my veins

And from your veins freely spilt,

Do not wake me from my dream

Lest I take up my cross,

And from these veins my blood does spill!

- God forbid!

Crimson stained the soft and lowly straw

And in the garden fell,

But on the bitter crooked cross

Your Love bled azure blue!

In the silence, like a sabbath morn,

Gently help me wake.

The straw made fresh; the garden new;

The crooked cross made straight!

Your words like rain, bring life

To these phantom dunes

And in my veins new blood runs sure

A holy azure blue!

© Stacy Oler

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