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  • Writer's pictureStacy Oler

1 book 10 day challenge...

My library keeps growing. It's a simple and insidious formula:

I see the book. I want the book. I buy the book.

Notice I haven't inserted, "I read the book." And the pile on my bedside table continues to attract more fabulous titles - ones I plan to sink into just as soon as ...SQUIRREL!

So instead of lamenting my fate as an illiterate bibliophile, I concocted another simple (less) insidious formula:

I pick the book. I divide it's pages by ten. I read the book.

It is a good sound formula. Seamless. Flawless. Possible.

My first book in this elegantly-possible challenge is The Memoir Project - A Thoroughly Non-Standardized Text For Writing & Life by Marion Roach Smith 112 pages. I'm reading roughly 11 pages each day. I'm five days in.

Sometimes, as I am running errands, I can hear the cry of a book faintly echoing on the breeze. "I am here. I am here. I am here." One afternoon, I followed such a cry to a used bookstore where I found The Memoir Project. For less than a song, I brought her home where she joined the others on my bedside table and for months, listened to her pregnant sighs. She was more than willing to volunteer for the challenge. We are both quite happy with our arrangement. I'll let you know how it goes...

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